Tournament Tickets

admin_token must contain role and either of id|uid|sub claims, role must be admin for admin actions. and id|uid|sub can be integer|string, eg. {"role": "admin", id: "admin"}

Creating tickets


Creates tickets based on passed data.

Request: { method: 'POST', headers: { authorization: 'Bearer customer {admin_token}' }, body: { tournamentTicket: { kind: String, // Type of ticket: marketing (default), godwill, satellite, test, billable tournamentId: Integer <optional>, // ID of target tournament uids: [String], // array of userIds on client side seasonId: <Integer> <optional>, // Limit ticket to given season dueAt: String <ISO8601>, // Datetime until ticket is valid currency: String, // Currency of ticket (eg. EUR) buyIn: Decimal, // Stack for non-tournament tickets or Cost of ticket comment: String <optional>, // some notes related to tickets ref: String <UUID> <optional>, // UUID to group tickets, automatically generated if not passed } } } Success Response: { status: 200 body: { total: Integer, // count of created tickets, ids: [Integer], // array containing ids of all generated tickets tickets: [{ id: Integer, // ID of ticket uid: String, // UID of related user }], } } Failure Response: { status: 422, body: { message: String, // error is translation key format error: String, // descriptive error message } }

List Tickets


Lists tickets matching with given filters.

Returned list is always sorted by ticketId in descending order.

Request: { method: 'GET', headers: { authorization: 'Bearer customer {admin_token}' }, query: { user_id: String <optional>, // Filter tickets belonging to given user ids: [Integer] <optional>, // when passed filters tickets by ID ref: String <optional>, // When passed filters tickets by ref limit: Integer <optional>, // size of page, default: 50 page: Integer <optional>, // page number (0 based) default: 0 } } Success Response: { status: 200 body: { total: Integer, // count of matching tickets tournamentTickets: [{ id: Integer, type: String, currency: String, tournamentId: Integer, buyIn: Decimal, createdAt: String<ISO8601>, fantasyTeamId: Integer, // ID of team in case ticket is used user: { id: Integer, // internal userID uid: String, // userID on client side name: String }, // and many other fields }], } }

Delete Ticket


Deletes a ticket if it's not already used.

Request: { method: 'DELETE', headers: { authorization: 'Bearer customer {admin_token}' }, params: { id: Integer // ID of ticket to be deleted } } Success Response: { status: 200 body: { ticket: { id: Integer, type: String, currency: String, tournamentId: Integer, buyIn: Decimal, createdAt: String<ISO8601>, // and many other fields } } } Failure Response: { status: 403, // in case ticket is used or not available for deletion body: { message: String, // error is translation key format error: String, // descriptive error message } }